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Jörðgarð Map of the Week #417 - Milánek's Stead
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Map of the Week No. 417 is from the forthcoming Jörðgarð Trails adventure "A Tale of 2 Books." After their brief return to the Vilji's Eye Fortress, the PCs head into the corrupt River County of Slovania. This week's map shows the PCs' second stop, Milánek's Stead, which also is a clandestine spying base for the druidic Northern Circle.

Key to the Map:

1. Wall and Gatehouse. The wall is made of wooden beams a foot/30 cm square that have been joined at the ends with metal bands. It is 15 feet/450 cm high. The posts are oak trunks with a diameter of 4 to 5 feet/120 to 150 cm. The gate is made of diagonally cut beams, also 1 foot/30 cm thick. The gatehouse is atop the gate. During daytime hours, the gate is open and the gatehouse empty. Between dusk and dawn, the gate is closed, and a single watch is in the gatehouse. Anyone can be called to stand watch, but one of the rangers usually holds the watch if available.

2. Farmers' Cottages. The farm families live in the four cottages.

3. Breeders' House. The ground floor of this four-story building has Milánek's office, a conference room, the dining hall for residents and guests and Otmar's healing practice. Guest rooms are on the second story (European first floor), and Milánek, the other rangers, the two spies, Viktor, Květka, Hanka, Dita and Otmar have their chambers on the two upper stories. The cellar is a storage area that accessible only from the cellar of the farmhouse.

4. Barn. The farm's cows are kept here.

5. Woodpiles, Wells and Outhouses.

6. Farmhouse. The farm offices and master kitchen are on the ground floor. Jiřik and his family have their quarters on the second story (European first floor).

7. Cow Pasture.

8. Mill Pond.

9. Fruit Orchard.

10. Hammermill. The crankshaft of the waterwheel can be shifted to turn the millstone of a grain mail used by the farmers or to power Karlíček's hammer. The smithy takes up most of the ground floor, with the rest reserved for the small grain mill. Karlíček and his family live on the upper floor.

11. Horse Stables. The larger stable houses the horses that are in breeding or ready for sale. The smaller stables houses the riding horses of the members of the breeders' house.

12. Farm fields.

13. Horse Corral.

14. Protective grates. Grates that extend from the wall down to a foot/30 cm below the Křištálmála (Crystal Creek) bed. The sides of the grates are sealed with brick. The grates are installed to keep both unwanted intruders and wild animals from entering the complex.

You can get this map in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format (12 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.

2. As a JPG flat map of 1360 x 1020 Pixels (690 KB) with the hyperlink below.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:


Next week: Milánek's House - Ground Floor