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Wings Keaton RPG and The Airship of Doom
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Gregory BMacKenzie
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The Wings Keaton RPG was created for a 24 hour RPG contest. It also contains the Airship of Doom adventure. Wings Keaton uses a creative commons license.

Tally Ho! It's 1924 and Wings Keeton is the pilot of your BE2. Searchlights sweep the sky with their shafts of light illuminating the Mystery Airships which lie ahead. As a giant Airship looms out of the dark clouds you can see from the observer's cockpit that this will be no ordinary interception. Giant guns protrude from its sides, and lightning leaps from the bores, straddling your aircraft. Wings deftly maneuvers the BE2, and sweeps up and over the top of the Airship but not before a third bolt of lightning tears through the fabric wing. The BE2 tumbles in a flat spin onto the top of the Airship and crumples onto the cold metal of a steel deck for this is no ordinary Airship. There is no time to wait, you and Wings quickly extricate yourselves from the wreckage of your BE2. As the Mystery Airship suddenly turns, the deck tilts and the BE2 slides away threatening to carry you both over the side and into oblivion. Scrambling out of the way, you and Wings cling to the rungs of a nearby ladder as the BE2 slips off and falls away into the darkness. All you can hear now is the wind and the roar of the Airship's engines. There is nothing left to do but climb the ladder, which leads, where? A circular hatch lies before you, Wings turns the latch and opens the hatch, you both climb in and shut it behind you..

This is the Wings Keeton Role Playing Game of High Adventure in the Roaring 20s' As a Hero or Sidekick you defeat dastardly villains, rescue damsels, and nothing is too fantastic! This game uses nothing but paper and pencil, and ordinary six sided dice.