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Jörðgarð Map of Week #112 - The Junction Inn
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With the 112th Map of the Week we take a look at the Junction Inn in the town center of Slovanian North Junction.

Despite its rather mundane name, the Junction Inn is the most luxurious hostelry in all of Slovania. However, it's important to remember that PC groups have no chance whatsoever to get a room there, unless they have good connections to Count Arnošt, who owns the inn. Some of the rooms are rented on a permanent basis to important persons from elsewhere who come frequently to North Junction. Others are let as guest rooms, but only to those who are guests of or visitors to the count, usually in town for business reasons. The guest rooms all are on the second story, along with Innkeeper Eleonora's office and quarters. An armed guard controls entry to the stairway. There are three levels. One part of the cellar is a storage area for the kitchen. The other part is Count Arnošt's secret and secured wine cellar. A secret tunnel runs from Arnošt's castle to the wine cellar. Barrels of the finest wines from the count's vineyards in the southern part of the county are transported to the castle and then are moved underground to the wine cellar. These wines are Arnošt's great vinicultural treasures, all worth considerable money. There also is a locked and trapped door to the wine cellar behind the stage of the count's chamber (a small fest hall) on the ground floor. The ground floor also includes the public room, the count's chamber, the kitchen and jakes.

Key to the Cellar:

1. Stairway to the Kitchen.

2. Kitchen Storage Area.

3. Entrance from the Castle Tunnel into the Wine Cellar.

4. Racks of Bottled Wine.

5. Barrels of Wine That Has Not Yet Been Bottled.

6. Bottling Area.

7. Shelves with Empty Wine Bottles.

8. Stairway to the Ground Floor.

Key to the Ground Floor:

9. Woodshed.

10. Stairway to the Second Story. (The second story is reserved for game masters to develop to suit the needs of their own campaigns.)

11. Jakes.

12. Guest Reception Area. An inn employee and an armed guard always are stationed here. Only registered guests or those authorized by the Innkeeper Eleonora are allowed to use the stairs.

13. Rear Door.

14. Kitchen.

15. Food Window. Waitresses pick up guests' food here.

16. Beer Tap and Wine Service.

17. Guests' Booths. Anyone can use the public room, but the booths can be reserved. Guests without a booth reservation may use one only if one is free and unreserved. The booths are the main place where transactions are made where privacy is desired.

18. Public Room. Tables here can be reserved. Unlike the guest rooms on the second story, the public room is open to one and all … as long as seats are available.

19. Main Entrance.

20. The Count's Chamber. When not in use, this area always is locked. It usually is available only to the count and his guests. It has a small stage that is used for entertainment or for speakers, if there is a business program.

21. Closet. This area only appears to be a small closet and storage area. In truth, it is the trapped entryway to the stairs that lead to the count's secret wine cellar. The trap system here is not magical, but it is extremely difficult for a thief to understand and disarm. If nothing is done to disarm the trap, a latch trap inside the door will trigger the trap, which will release instantly lethal gas from the floor and ceiling (not mapped) grates. Opening the door will trigger the latch. The Dungeons Daring DL and the OGL 3.5 difficulty class for a thief to determine that the grates probably release gas are only 13. These grates are rather obvious. They would seem to serve no other logical purpose. Learning what triggers the trap or how to disarm it is an entirely different matter – DL 40 in Dungeons Daring and DC 45 in OGL 3.5 games. There are five horseshoe-shaped rings in the wall of area 21. Pushing in the third and fifth (from the top) will disable the trap. Pulling the floor lever will restore the rings to their original position, reactivating the trap. The arrow shows the direction in which the door opens. The door is locked normally, and the lock is not trapped. If one succeeds in going through the door, one can reset the trap by setting the trap latch inside the door back to its original position. Doing so also will cause the rings to snap back to their original positions.

22. Stairway to the Wine Cellar.

You can get this floor plan in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (15.5 MB) from the Joerdhgardh website.

2. As two JPG flat maps of 1360 Pixels x 1055 Pixels each (1.4 MB) with the hyperlink below.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:


Next week: Amalie's Pub

Mark Oliva
Webmaster, the Vintyri Project (TM)
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