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Jörðgarð Map of the Week - #48
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Our 48th Jörðgarð (TM) Map of the Week comes from our forthcoming publication "The Northwest."

Timbertown is in the North Kingdom, which is ruled by vampire draugs. It is the ruling seat of vampire draug Duke Hynek and the Woodlands Duchy, but there isn't too much else to distinguish it from other medium-sized towns. Its significant factors are that it's a crossroads, the point where three important roads intersect, and it's the largest wood processing center in the North Kingdom.

Key to the Center of Timbertown

1. Millstream Outflow.

2. Lazy Creek. A steady but slow-moving creek.

3. Millstream.

4. Woodlands Duchy Sawmill. The mill is owned by Duke Hynek and operated by master sawyer Oto, a human male artisan. As far as businesses go, this is the biggest one in Timbertown. Oto employs four journeyman sawyers, all human male and female artisans; four apprentice sawyers, all human male and female commoners, and three laborers, also human male and female commoners. Because the Lazy Creek can supply only limited energy, the sawmill uses not only a waterwheel but also a windmill. The buildings to the right (east) of the main structure are woodsheds for finished lumber.

5. Liběna's Wagons. Master Wainwright Liběna, a human female artisan, owns and operates the biggest wagon-building works in the North Kingdom. Her workshop also makes carts, wheelbarrows, etc. Liběna employs four journeyman wainwrights, all human male and female artisans; five apprentice wainwrights, all human male and female commoners, and three laborers, also male and female human commoners.

6. Chandler Matěj. Matěj, a human male artisan, works alone. He makes candles from tallow brought in from Green Meadows (Zelenaluhů).

7. Vojtěch's Smithy. Master Blacksmith Vojtěch, a human male artisan, makes and repairs a wide variety of bronze items and he shoes horses, but he does no work with weapons or armor. Vojtěch employs a journeyman blacksmith, a human female artisan, and two apprentice blacksmiths, both human male commoners.

8. Joiner Nikola. Master joiner Nikola, a human male artisan, owns the largest furniture-making shop in the North Kingdom. His beds, cabinets and other wooden furniture items are sold throughout the land. Nikola employs three journeyman joiners, all human male and female artisans; four apprentices, all human male and female commoners, and four laborers, also human male and female commoners.

9. House of Healing. Gizela, a human female healer, owns and operates the House of Healing, which not only provides healing services but also has a well-stocked healing apothecary. Most known herbal medicines are available here. Gizela employs four additional human male and female healers; two student healers, both human male and female commoners, and three laborers, also human male and female commoners. The nine, small, square structures behind the main building are drying sheds for freshly harvested herbs.

10. Timbertown General Store. Shopkeeper Nataša, a human female merchant, offers a wide variety of goods in her store. Most items are manufactured elsewhere in the kingdom, but she also has foreign wares imported by traders and smugglers from Slovania. Nataša employs a bookkeeper, human female merchant; three salespersons, all human male and female commoners, and two laborers, also human male and female commoners.

11. Market Inn. The inn is owned by Duke Hynek and operated by innkeeper Hedvika, a human female merchant. The inn has eight single rooms at 6 silver pieces a night and one double at 5 silver pieces per person nightly. It also has a stable and coach house. Meals in the public room run between 3 and 6 bronze pieces. The only drink is the local beer, Timberbrew (Dřívípivo), on tap, at three copper pieces per pint/half-liter tankard.

12. Market Square. Anyone wishing to set up a stand must obtain a permit from town hall (Location No. 20). Most stands offer produce, sausage and other farm products.

13. Timber Brewery. The brewery - the only brewing house in Timbertown - is owned and operated by Patrik, a human male merchant. One of his ancestors was among the early settlers of the North Kingdom and a follower of King Vladimir. He restored a small Æsir brewhouse on the site of the current brewery and its neighboring tavern. There were no inns in the town at the time. However, as the town grew, the duke built his Market Inn (Location No. 11), and later the Castle Cellar Tavern (Location No. 23) opened. Patrik's ancestors were able to convince the owners of both that it was more economical to buy his beer than to run separate brewing houses. This is an idea that is not yet widespread in the jörð. Patrik runs the brewery, but his wife, Naděžda, a human female artisan, is the brewmistress. She brews a lager beer year round and supplements it with a dark and strong double bock beer in the cold months. Patrik and Naděžda employ a journeyman brewer, human female artisan; an apprentice brewer, human female commoner, and three laborers, human male commoners.

14 Timber Brew Tavern. The tavern is the favorite hangout of Timbertown's artisans and laborers. It also is the place where many locals go with large tankards in the evening to buy beer to bring home rather to drink on premise. The Timber Brew serves no food. It is owned by the neighboring brewery and operated by tavernkeep Denisa, a human female merchant. She employs two human male and female commoners to work the tap and serve tables. A pint/half liter of lager beer costs 3 copper pieces. A pint/half liter of double bock in the cold season costs 4 copper pieces.

15. Evžen's Bakery. Master Baker Evžen, a human male artisan, is Timbertown's sole baker. He employs a journeyman baker, human male artisan, a salesperson, human female commoner, and a laborer, human male commoner.

16. Butcher Pavlina. Master Butcher Pavlina, a human female artisan, delivers fresh meat to the Market Inn (Location No. 11) and sells smoked and cured sausages and meats in her shop and on the market square. She employs a journeyman butcher, human male artisan; an apprentice, human male commoner, and a salesperson, human female commoner.

17. Tailor Hubert. Master Tailor Hubert, a human male artisan, makes and repairs clothing. He employs a journeyman seamstress, a human female artisan, and an apprentice, a human male commoner.

18. Timbertown Forge. The twins, master weaponsmith Andrej, a human male artisan, and master blacksmith Andrea, a human female artisan, operate this large smithy. It makes and repairs all sorts of metal items and weapons and is the official smithy of the town's garrison. The apprentices also shoe horses. Andrej and Andrea employ three journeyman smiths, all human male and female artisans; four apprentices, all human male and female commoners, and three laborers, also male and female human artisans.

19. Timbertown Garrison. Commander Vladěna, a human female warrior, has 220 soldiers in her service. They perform guard and police duties and patrol the border and the draug swamp region. Soldiers with families live in housing in the town. Those who are single live in the garrison barracks.

20. Town Hall. Duke Hynek is the ruler of Timbertown, but his appointed steward, Klára, a human female merchant, does the day-to-day governing from town hall. She employs 10 clerks, all human male and female merchants, and eight laborers, all human male and female commoners. The town jail is in the cellar dungeon of town hall.

21. Cobbler Jeroným. Master cobbler Jeroným, a human male artisan, makes the town's wooden and leather shoes and leather boots. He also outfits the garrison's soldiers with their leather boots. Jeroným employs two journeyman cobblers, human male and female artisans; two apprentices, human male and female commoners, and a saleswoman, human female commoner.

22. Bronislav's Carpentry. Master carpenter Bronislav, a human male artisan, employs two journeyman carpenters, human male and female artisans; three apprentices, human male and female commoners, and a laborer, human male commoner.

23. Castle Cellar Tavern. The owner is barkeep Bonifác, a human male merchant. He employs two waitresses, both human female commoners. Local lager beer goes for 3 copper pieces per pint/half liter tankard. In the cold season, double bock costs a copper piece more. Those looking for a light meal can buy a cold bread board with cold cuts, dill pickle and rye bread for 1 bronze piece.

Duke Hynek's Timber Castle Compound

24. Gatehouse. Four soldiers, human male and female warriors, always are on duty here.

25. Prison Tower. Floor plans and a description of the tower can be found in Map of the Week No. 45. The jailer is Radomir, a human male commoner and double murderer. He was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the Timbertown tower after he killed his widowed sister-in-law and her lover. The not quite sane Radomir committed the murders to avenge the memory of his dead brother, whom he thought was betrayed by his widow when she took up after his death with another man. Radomir survived 12 years as vampire draug fodder before being made a trusty jailer. His wife, Běla, a human female commoner, remained faithful to Radomir during his 12 years in the tower and agreed to remain with him there when the duke gave him the opportunity to become a trusty jailer. However, both continue to lead miserable lives. Radomir's insanity has taken the form of severe depression. Although he is allowed to go about in the town whenever Běla stays in the tower, he never leaves the castle compound. Běla has become a hopeless alcoholic. She spends most of her time during the day in the tower, but when night falls, she flees the tower and goes to the Timber Brew Tavern (Location No. 14), where she usually stays and guzzles beer until someone leads her back to the castle gate. Neither Radomir nor Běla takes any interest in the tower's prisoners.

26. Timber Castle. Duke Hynek's castle is the seat of the Woodlands Duchy's government. Day-to-day governing is in the hands of the ducal steward, Alena, a human female merchant. The duke has eight administrative servants, all human male and female merchants; four laborers, all human male and female commoners, and three vampire draug male and female wizards in his service in the castle. Their crypts and that of the duke are in the castle's cellar.

27. Castle Quarters. Steward Alena and the duke's administrative servants dwell here.

28. Castle Stable.

29. Castle Storage House.

Unnumbered Buildings should be considered residential, unless the game master wishes to add his or her definition for these structures.

Beyond the Map one finds the mill pond and residential structures, and then on the outer ring on the town's edges, farms.

You can get the map of Timbertown in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 map in FMP format, fully editable, from our Jörðgarð web page (41 MB).

2. As a JPG flat map of 1360 x 1020 Pixels (1 MB), available with the hyperlink below.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð web site.

The Jörðgarð web site:


Next: Grain Meadows in the North Kingdom.

Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project