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AstroSynthesis v1.10d Update
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This is a patch to all previous builds of AstroSynthesis (v1.01a, v1.01c, v1.10a). This is an installation program that will update your AstroSynthesis installation. To install, download the file and run it. Notable changes:

[fix] Fixes a 'Cannot Set Pixel Format' error that users with certain video drivers received when assigning an image as a planetary surface map.
[change] The System Data tree does not completely collapse after each change to a planet's or star's properties. This makes it easier to work with when making multiple changes in a system.
[fix] White Dwarfs and Brown Dwarfs were not previously listed in the New System lists or Children creation menus. They are now present, and generate appropriate system contents.

This update is cumulative, and also adds the following changes from earlier builds:

[new feature] Added Fractal Terrains Pro integration. This requires the latest version of ProFantasy's Fractal Terrains Pro (Oct '04)
[new feature] Added Route import to Data Import
[change] Hardware acceleration problems with recent (March '04 and later) nVidia Ti4X00 drivers have been addressed.
[new feature] Added "Mass Edit" menu items.
[new feature] Political Affiliation included in extended search (notes search)
[new feature] Added Political Affiliations to HTML Sector Report
[new feature] Added system locking to prevent stars from being moved when selected
[new feature] Added Ctrl-right-click to toggle between Pan and Pointer tools
[fixed] Route filtering problem has been fixed
[new feature] AstroSynthesis now uses the Inspiration Pad Pro engine when generating system names. System names can now be customized by creating or editing IPad generator files.

This program will not be functional if you are not a registered owner of AstroSynthesis v1.0 or later - it requires licensing information that is shipped on the CD (or as part of the download if purchased online).